Designing And Implementing A Broad Based National Qualification Authority Compliant Trainer

For Botswana Training Authority (Currently Botswana Qualification Authority)
Assessment College was awarded a tender by the Luxembourg Development Corporation in 2009 for recognition of prior learning and Training of trainers in Namibia Vocational Education and Training 2009-2010. Assessment College designed and developed the learning programmes for the level 4 and level 5 programmes as well as the trainee Achievement Portfolios (TAP). The development of learning programmes also served as a pilot for the then, newly integrated methodology of integrating the development of Unit Standards with the assessment criteria and types of evidence that should be provided.

Assessment College undertook the recruitment of the prospective learners in three Namibian newspapers. The screening shortlisting and selection interviews were done by Assessment College and a final list of 195 learners was submitted to the Steering Committee of the Namibian Training Authority for the project.

A group of 24 candidates were selected to follow a course in coaching and mentoring learners. After a very successful training session the group of mentors were guided in the implementation of the trainee Achievement Portfolio for the course on level 4 and 5. The Mentors played a very important role in the completion of the portfolio during the home phases.

The training was presented in three venues in Windhoek. The training was spread over 5 blocks of training sessions in one week. The training was facilitated by 5 senior facilitators from Assessment College. Learners had to complete their portfolios during the home phase between the training blocks. They were assisted by the mentors.

The training was finalised with a final summative assessment presentation in front of a panel of the expertise from the NTA and Assessment College. The learners were issued with an ETDPSETA accredited certificate in ODETDP level 5.

Three programme components were identified

  • Increasing access to relevant quality skills training
  • Easing the training-to-work transition for marginalised youth and
  • Supporting transformative micro and small enterprise to grow and create jobs

Our Role

  • Determine hard and soft skills for master craftsmen
  • Select appropriate institutions to provide training for master craftsmen
  • Design vocational training course for marginalized youth
  • Develop foundation skills training in basic literacy and numeracy for marginalized youth
  • Design and set up certification of trade related course and apprentices
  • Develop a training curriculum to train community based career counsellors to provide effective career counselling to provide effective career counselling to marginalised youths
  • Work with the National Board for technical Education (NBTE) to develop appropriate certification for apprenticeships training