Increasing Economic Opportunities For Marginalised Youth In Northern Nigeria

The strategic vision for the Department for international Development (DFID) for Nigeria is to improve the livelihoods of marginalised young people in focal northern states. This improvement serves to reduce the risk of further exclusion and radicalisation through increasing access to labour market relevant quality vocational training, easing the entry into gainful employment and helping to increase the rate of job creation.

Three programme components were identified

  • Increasing access to relevant quality skills training
  • Easing the training-to-work transition for marginalised youth and
  • Supporting transformative micro and small enterprise to grow and create jobs

Our Role

  • Determine hard and soft skills for master craftsmen
  • Select appropriate institutions to provide training for master craftsmen
  • Design vocational training course for marginalized youth
  • Develop foundation skills training in basic literacy and numeracy for marginalized youth
  • Design and set up certification of trade related course and apprentices
  • Develop a training curriculum to train community based career counsellors to provide effective career counselling to provide effective career counselling to marginalised youths
  • Work with the National Board for technical Education (NBTE) to develop appropriate certification for apprenticeships training