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Tips On How To Upskill Your Workforce

by | Jul 15, 2019 | All About Up-Skilling, Career Progression

If a certain skill set is lacking in your organisation, it makes more sense to train a current employee to acquire it rather than to find a new person from scratch who already has the skill. Giving your business the ultimate competitive advantage should begin with your workforce, and it’s imperative that any skill gaps present are considered a priority. Businesses should develop a strategy that involves regularly upskilling and reskilling your workforce. Not only does it boost employee morale (which creates a positive working environment), but it also makes your workers feel valued and helps to reduce employee turnover.

How do you successfully incorporate upskilling and reskilling initiatives into your business? Here are three tips that can help you roll out a programme that has long-term benefits for both you and your employees. 

  • Develop A Transparent Learning and Development Plan 

Rather than forcing employees into thinking that your upskilling drive is another mandatory task, tell them how it affects them and why they should use it to their benefit. Employees can be motivated to perform when they see that management is supportive of their career plans. Open up a dialogue by finding out where employees feel learning and training could benefit their day-to-day productivity and career path. Management can then assess what their workforce requires to bridge the skills gap and create an employee development plan. This development plan should be accessible and available to ensure transparency and openness. 



  • Offer Training In Different Mediums

Upskilling or reskilling should not be seen as a quick exercise that employees have to complete. By prioritising your employees’ training or learning needs, they’ll choose a suitable course or workshop that adds value instead of one that’s a forceful and in most cases, wasteful activity. Some employees may feel that an interactive online course is suitable to their schedule while others may prefer classroom learning. It’s essential that management utilises facilitators who understand how to deliver different learning topics to different groups and individuals.



  • Assess The Effectiveness Of Your Efforts 

Although it’s important to factor in employees’ learning and training needs and requirements, organisations should also strive to evaluate how effective their upskilling and reskilling strategy is. Organisations can evaluate the value, validity, and recognition of a learning programme, skill, or both, by choosing an accredited provider like Assessment College, to be able to reinforce and truly understand how valuable the newly learnt skill is. 

In conclusion, you should look at upskilling and reskilling your workforce as an investment. Investments take time and effort before one can reap its return and benefits. Your workforce will always be your greatest asset, so ensure they have what it takes to be fully functional and optimally productive.